Items filtered by date: July 2024

Tuesday, 30 July 2024 00:00

Causes and Relief for Foot Corns

Foot corns, small areas of thickened skin that develop from repeated pressure or friction, have various causes. Wearing ill-fitting shoes that squeeze toes or cause rubbing are common culprits. High heels and narrow shoes can also contribute by concentrating pressure on specific areas of the foot. Additionally, abnormalities in foot structure, such as hammertoes or bunions, may increase the likelihood of developing corns. Finding relief involves addressing the underlying cause, which can include wearing properly fitted shoes with adequate toe room and cushioning to reduce friction and pressure. Pads or cushions placed over corns can provide additional protection and alleviate discomfort. Avoiding excessive rubbing or picking at corns is essential to prevent infection. If corns persist or cause severe pain, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist for effective treatment options.

If you have any concerns regarding your feet and ankles, contact our doctors of Foot & Ankle Center of Oklahoma. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Corns: What Are They? and How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns can be described as areas of the skin that have thickened to the point of becoming painful or irritating. They are often layers and layers of the skin that have become dry and rough, and are normally smaller than calluses.

Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as wearing:

  • Well-fitting socks
  • Comfortable shoes that are not tight around your foot
  • Shoes that offer support

Treating Corns
Treatment of corns involves removing the dead skin that has built up in the specific area of the foot. Consult with Our doctors to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our offices located in Oklahoma City and Yukon, OK . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Corns: What Are They, and How Do You Get Rid of Them
Friday, 26 July 2024 00:00

Heel Pain Can Be Treated!

Do you suffer from heel pain when you get up in the morning? If so, you should seek the professional help of your podiatrist and have a proper diagnosis performed. Heel pain can be caused by several different foot-related conditions.

Tuesday, 23 July 2024 00:00

Relief From a Sprained Ankle

A sprained ankle occurs when the ligaments that support the ankle joint are stretched or torn, usually due to sudden twists or falls. Symptoms can include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight on the affected foot. Immediate relief tips for a sprained ankle include rest,  compression, and elevation. Resting the ankle prevents further injury, while compression with an elastic bandage helps control swelling, and elevating the ankle above heart level minimizes fluid buildup. If you have sprained your ankle, it is suggested that you promptly schedule an appointment with a podiatrist who can offer treatment methods for this painful condition.

Although ankle sprains are common, they aren’t always minor injuries. If you need your ankle injury looked at, contact our doctors from Foot & Ankle Center of Oklahoma. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

How Does an Ankle Sprain Occur?

Ankle sprains are the result of a tear in the ligaments within the ankle. These injuries may happen when you make a rapid shifting movement while your foot is planted. A less common way to sprain your ankle is when your ankle rolls inward while your foot turns outward.

What Are the Symptoms?

  • Pain at the sight of the tear
  • Bruising/Swelling
  • Ankle area is tender to touch
  • In severe cases, may hear/feel something tear
  • Skin discoloration

Preventing a Sprain

  • Wearing appropriate shoes for the occasion
  • Stretching before exercises and sports
  • Knowing your limits

Treatment of a Sprain

In many cases, the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate) is used to treat ankle sprains. However, you should see a podiatrist to see which treatment option would work best with your injury. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

It is important to ask your doctor about rehab options after you receive treatment for your injury. Stretching, strength training, and balance exercises may help the ankle heal while also preventing further injury.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Oklahoma City and Yukon, OK . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Ankle Sprains

Laser treatment for toenail fungus is an advanced method that uses focused light beams to target and eliminate fungal infections beneath the toenail. This non-invasive procedure penetrates the nail without damaging surrounding tissues, making it a preferred option for many patients. Unlike traditional treatments, such as topical creams or oral medications, laser therapy has minimal side effects and a higher success rate. The procedure is typically quick, often completed in under an hour, and requires no downtime, allowing patients to resume normal activities immediately. Multiple sessions may be needed for optimal results, depending on the severity of the infection. Laser treatment is effective for many individuals, offering a promising solution for persistent toenail fungus, especially for those who have not responded well to other treatments. Toenail fungus can be unsightly, and is treated by a podiatrist. If you have this condition, it is suggested that you consult this type of doctor who can determine if laser therapy is right for you.

Laser treatment can be an effective way to get rid of toenail fungus. If you have any questions about laser treatment, consult with our doctors from Foot & Ankle Center of Oklahoma. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality treatment for fungal nails.

What Are Toenail Fungal Infections?

Onychomycosis, or fungal infection of the nail, is a relatively common and non-serious condition. Around 10 percent of U.S. citizens are afflicted with fungal nails. Common forms of fungus that infect the nail include dermatophytes, yeasts, and molds.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungal Infections Include:

  • Nail thickening
  • Brittleness of the nail
  • Discoloration of the nail

Diagnosis for Fungal Nails

Fungal infections are diagnosed by fungal culture and microscopy. This will rule out any other conditions such as nail trauma, psoriasis, lichen planus, and onychogryphosis.

What Is Laser Treatment?

Laser treatment is a non-invasive, safe, quick, and painless procedure that uses the heat from a laser to kill fungus in the nail. Each infected nail is targeted with a laser for several minutes. The treatment is usually utilized several different times over a select period. During this time, a podiatrist will keep an eye on the infection.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Oklahoma City and Yukon, OK . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Laser Treatment for Fungal Nails
Tuesday, 09 July 2024 00:00

Causes and Symptoms of an Infected Foot

An infected foot can result from various causes, each presenting specific symptoms. Blisters, often caused by friction or wearing poorly fitting shoes, can become infected if they rupture and bacteria enter. Fungal infections, such as athlete's foot, thrive in warm, moist environments and can cause itching, redness, and scaling. Diabetes is another significant factor, as it can impair circulation and immune response, leading to increased susceptibility to infections, often marked by slow-healing sores and numbness. Post-surgical foot infections may arise from bacteria entering the surgical site, causing redness, swelling, and pain. Common symptoms of foot infections include increased warmth, swelling, redness, and pus or drainage. If you have an area on your foot that has become infected, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can offer you effective treatment remedies.

Foot Pain

Foot pain can be extremely painful and debilitating. If you have a foot pain, consult with our doctors from Foot & Ankle Center of Oklahoma. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.


Foot pain is a very broad condition that could be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Bone Spurs
  • Corns
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Ingrown Toenails
  • Arthritis (such as Gout, Rheumatoid, and Osteoarthritis)
  • Flat Feet
  • Injury (from stress fractures, broken toe, foot, ankle, Achilles tendon ruptures, and sprains)
  • And more


To figure out the cause of foot pain, podiatrists utilize several different methods. This can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatment depends upon the cause of the foot pain. Whether it is resting, staying off the foot, or having surgery; podiatrists have a number of treatment options available for foot pain.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Oklahoma City and Yukon, OK . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Foot Pain

Pressure ulcers on the feet and ankles, also known as pressure sores or bedsores, are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure. These ulcers are common in individuals with limited mobility, and can often affect the feet. Intrinsic factors, such as poor nutrition, age, and medical conditions like diabetes, affect the body's ability to heal and withstand pressure. Extrinsic factors involve external forces like friction and prolonged pressure from staying in one position. Symptoms include redness, pain, and open sores, which can progress to deep wounds exposing muscle and bone. Pressure ulcers occur due to reduced blood flow to the affected area, leading to tissue damage. Prevention includes regularly changing positions, using supportive devices, maintaining good nutrition, and keeping the skin clean and dry. Treatment involves relieving pressure, cleaning wounds, and using dressings or medications to promote healing. Advanced cases might require surgical intervention. If you are suffering from a pressure ulcer on your feet or ankles, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist as soon as possible for care.

Wound care is an important part in dealing with diabetes. If you have diabetes and a foot wound or would like more information about wound care for diabetics, consult with our doctors from Foot & Ankle Center of Oklahoma. Our doctors will assess your condition and provide you with quality foot and ankle treatment.

What Is Wound Care?

Wound care is the practice of taking proper care of a wound. This can range from the smallest to the largest of wounds. While everyone can benefit from proper wound care, it is much more important for diabetics. Diabetics often suffer from poor blood circulation which causes wounds to heal much slower than they would in a non-diabetic. 

What Is the Importance of Wound Care?

While it may not seem apparent with small ulcers on the foot, for diabetics, any size ulcer can become infected. Diabetics often also suffer from neuropathy, or nerve loss. This means they might not even feel when they have an ulcer on their foot. If the wound becomes severely infected, amputation may be necessary. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance to properly care for any and all foot wounds.

How to Care for Wounds

The best way to care for foot wounds is to prevent them. For diabetics, this means daily inspections of the feet for any signs of abnormalities or ulcers. It is also recommended to see a podiatrist several times a year for a foot inspection. If you do have an ulcer, run the wound under water to clear dirt from the wound; then apply antibiotic ointment to the wound and cover with a bandage. Bandages should be changed daily and keeping pressure off the wound is smart. It is advised to see a podiatrist, who can keep an eye on it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our offices located in Oklahoma City and Yukon, OK . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Wound Care
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